Hair, Fashion, Shoes, & Everyday Life

08 August 2012


Hey ladies!

If you don't follow me on Instagram, this will be news to you. Last week I straightened my hair for the first time since being natural (1 year 7 months). This was really an impulse decision. I was sitting at work and got the idea to finally straighten my hair. Up until this point, I was too scared of heat damage. So I had to do it while I had the nerve. 

Here are the products that I used to deep condition. I was so anxious that I forgot to use a leave in conditioner after washing.  In the pink bottle is the IC Fantasia Heat Protector Straightening Spray.

After washing I allowed my hair to air dry for about 20 minutes and then blow dried using the tension method. If this wasn't so spur of the moment, I would have deep conditioned the day before and braided to stretch without the blow dryer. 

 It started out pretty good! I loved it!

 Lol... I guess the face means I'm feeling this hair!

 Now this was my expression by the time I was done. You see the poof at the bottom, right? All of this hard work for nothing!

 The next day after flat twisting for a couple of hours. I LOVED this! I went to Applebee's and my hair was almost a cotton ball by the time I left. Of course I didn't get a picture.

So needless to say, my hair didn't  stand a chance against this southern humidity! After the flat twist out, I bunned it for a couple of days and then washed it! 

NO HEAT DAMAGE! *sigh of relief*

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