Hair, Fashion, Shoes, & Everyday Life

28 February 2012

Look for Less: Steve Madden vs. Qupid

Hey y'all! I was browsing online and came across these. Hello, lover!

These are Steven by Steve Madden Cathi. I was in love immediately! But for $179.99, I fell out of love just as quickly! Lol! Don't get me wrong, I still love the shoe, but not the price tag. I went on the hunt for a look-alike and found the Qupid Pulse-29 for about $30. As my luck would have it, they don't come in the same color as the lovely Cathi. 

Woomp Woomp!
Sometimes you have to pay for what you really want, right? In this case... I'll just dream! Which do you prefer?


  1. I'm cheap. I think that answers your question!

    1. That makes two of us! But I still LOVE the Steve Madden! I'm sure I won't own it though! lol!


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