Hair, Fashion, Shoes, & Everyday Life

28 June 2012

Plain Jane

 Hey ladies! Long time no see, right? I know! I've been feeling guilty for not checking in. Which is why I'm sharing this "Plain Jane" outfit. Yes, I know it's nothing special. Honestly, jeans and a top are my normal wear. I only really dress up every now and then.

 I took pictures the other day, but they just weren't blog worthy. They were more boring than these! Lol! While it's on my mind... HI, NEW FOLLOWERS!!! Thanks for joining me here! It's nice to know that people care what I'm blogging about and I'm not here rambling to myself! :) I hope you continue to enjoy All Things Me!

The shoes are the only exciting things here... and I love them! I got them from a store called Shoe Show. I'm not sure if they have those everywhere, so here's an almost identical pair from Kohl's. --> Candie's Loafers I'm actually mad that I didn't find these first!

Talk to you ladies later!


  1. Ooooohhhhhhh Girl and those shoes are on sale!! Thanks boo!

    1. And a great sale at that! You're welcome!


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