Hair, Fashion, Shoes, & Everyday Life

22 July 2012

Bloggers Like Me

Hey, ladies! 

Most of you have probably already heard about Bloggers Like Me. It's a Facebook group created by Leslie of Fashion Du Jour.

"Created by Fashion Du Jour, this is a community of bloggers dedicated to the positive exchange of ideas, tips and advice about FASHION, BEAUTY, RELATIONSHIPS and FAITH through blogging, meet ups and social networking."
Taken from the BLM Facebook Page

When you join the group you're able to share your blog, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or any other social network id. It also gives you a chance to come across many other great blogs. Check out it!


  1. I heard about this. And didn't really look into it just because I feel like I'm connected to many blog chats & things like that. But this must be a sign for me to go join. Plus I was so close to going on a hiatus for personal reasons...sigh, thanks for sharing this :)

  2. Hey Q! love your posts and wanted to let you know I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award :).

  3. Thanks for sharing great post! read blog: new dress design


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